
A Scenic View with Intraoral Cameras

Feb 29 • 2 minute read

We’ve all wondered about the inside of our own mouths—the fleshy pink tissue, the usual (and sometimes unusual) discolorations, the wiggly little bell dangling over the tongue’s anterior (better known as the uvula). It’s all a fascinating mystery in there. If you’ve ever opened wide in the mirror and said “ahhhhhh” like your childhood dentist once instructed you, then maybe you’ve noticed the plushness of your tonsils. Perhaps you see a small bite mark in the inner cheek where your lunchtime eagerness got the best of you (ouch!). But hey—you are not alone in your curiosity. In fact, we support your curiosity. It’s just another beautiful aspect of being human. 

In the same vein, that curiosity is often hindered by an inadequate viewpoint. And besides being a fairly accessible open space in the body, the mouth can be a dark place. Unfortunately, there’s very little we can see from the bathroom mirror point of view. Thanks to intraoral cameras (IOCs), the view is crystal clear.

What are IOCs?
First trademarked in the late 1980s, the IOC is a high-tech imaging device. It scans the interior of the mouth, providing a magnified (and often 3-dimensional) view of the teeth and gums. In some cases, a single dental mirror is enough for your practitioner to analyze most of your oral crevices. But in the instances where a mirror just won’t cut it, dentists rely on an IOC. It affords an unobstructed view of abnormalities and health concerns located in the recesses of the mouth. 

Built like a small wand, IOCs are lightweight and easy to maneuver during dental examinations. Now commonplace among practitioners, IOCs help dentists build a feasible treatment plan. IOCs have proven to be an incredibly useful tool in the advancement of dentistry.

The Need to Empower Patients
IOCs are not only the passageway to hidden areas of the mouth, but they invite patients to join the viewing of their oral scans. IOCs indirectly encourage the development of a knowledgeable oral health perspective. As thoughtful practitioners, our number one priority is giving patients the tools to inspire healthy living. Afterall, an informed patient is an empowered patient. With access to high-quality images and a collaborative spirit, patients are able to view their personal oral space and remain involved in their own dental hygiene 

Aside from all the major benefits of IOCs, the early path to diagnosis is among the most important. We know that oral health is directly linked to life-threatening diseases affecting other parts of the body. As a result, there’s always the lingering concern that without early detection of oral health diseases, the path of prevention is obscured. Acting as a keen eye of the hard-to-reach areas of the mouth, IOCs serve as tools for early detection of oral diseases, potentially saving patients headache and money in the long run.

So, the next time you find yourself gazing in the mirror at the inner workings of your mouth, think of the IOC and how it might be used to provide a more complete picture of what the mirror simply can’t capture. 

Want to learn more about how we use IOCs in our dental practice? Let’s talk about it. Schedule your next comprehensive examination to get a better view.

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