
The Cause of Teeth Spacing

Sep 30 • 1 minute read

The space or gap between two teeth is known as a diastema. While teeth spacing often appears between the front two teeth, it’s also common to appear in between any two teeth. Each person has a unique oral makeup, from the size of the teeth to the way the teeth fit within the jaw. For that reason, the causes of teeth spacing vary from person to person.

What Causes Teeth Spacing?

If the jaw bone and the size of the teeth don’t match up, it can result in various spaces between the teeth. In other cases, teeth that are too small for the jawline can create common spacing. If teeth are missing, spacing can also be the result. Moreover, an oversized labial frenum can push the front two teeth away from each other, prohibiting the normal closure between those teeth. The labial frenum is the tissue that spans the upper lip to the gum and extends between the front two teeth. In children, a thumb-sucking habit can create various kinds of gaps between the teeth. Other culprits include tongue thrusting, bone loss caused by gum disease, and temporary gaps between baby teeth in children.


Every type of diastema isn’t created the same. Sometimes, there is no real way to prevent spacing. If the cause is a missing tooth or a mismatch between the teeth and the jawline, spacing will likely result. To help ensure that teeth don’t shift over time, it’s important to care for your gums by brushing regularly and flossing to maintain top-shape gum health and prevent periodontal disease. If tongue thrusting is a habit, it may take some relearning of the mechanics of swallowing. Breaking the thrusting habit may help prevent any further widening of teeth spaces.

It’s common that diastema is merely a matter of appearance. However, if the spacing is the result of the diastema itself, professional oral treatment may be required. From braces to crowns and veneers to removing the frenum (i.e., frenectomy) or restoring gum health, the solution will depend on your unique situation.

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